Thursday, February 10, 2011


Predictions; they can be very scary at times. For example, Hui Min heard of this woman who was struck by lightning, and then was able to see the future. Woah right? That's not the freaky part. The scary part is that she actually foretold the 9/11 incident! SCARY. Predictions may turn out to be true sometimes but, I feel that it's just coincidence. I mean, seriously. Think about it. Predictions may not always be true. Well, I can prove it, like there was this story by one of the students(I forgot whose it was), that her father's friend predicted that when he drives to Malaysia for his upcoming meeting, he would have an accident or something like that. Turns out, he didn't. The only 'damage' was scratches from rocks hitting the car, which happens VERY often, and nothing else.

Anyway, the lesson was very interesting. I was grouped with Steffi, Jeron and Tarif, and we decided to do Steffi's story for presentation as it was the most interesting, compared to the other two guy's stories(no offence guys! I didn't have one 'cause I never experienced such a thing). It was about Steffi's mother having a dream that the picture for her upcoming oral examination, would be a market. Steffi trusted her mother and she studied pictures of markets. On the day of the examination, it really did turn out to be a picture of a market! You know there's a saying, "Mothers know best." well, Steffi's story sorts of proves it. Her mother did know best. (:

Well, I also remember this one other story that Rachel heard of. It was about this person that went to an old folk's home met a crazy old lady, and that lady told him/her that his/her father would be in an accident. That night, his/her father did not come home. When it was nearing midnight, the family received a call that his/her father was in hospital. The next day, this person went to look for the old lady but, she was gone. FREAKY. Mrs Woo thought that the lady was a ghost. Well, in my opinion, it was just another coincidence. Yeah, coincidences again. And there was this other story which was pretty freaky too. It was about This girl who sat next to a crazy lady who told her that her sister would die that very day. Freaked out, the girl alighted at the next stop. There she saw her sister crossing a traffic light. The girl called out to her sister and when the sister turned, she was knocked down by a car and she died. The girl turned to look at the crazy lady at the bus for the last time and found that she was staring at her. FREAKY!!! O:

Well, the lesson was quite good and the following stories were pretty scary too but, suggestions? I don't have any. I found the lesson great and it was fun to hear the different stories although they were really scary. I think that my group's story was the most mild one. It really wasn't scary. (: Anyway, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's lesson. Literature has been getting really fun! (:

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