Monday, September 19, 2011


Romeo and Juliet. The first thing that comes to my mind when I first hear it is... TRAGEDY. SADNESS. And, LEONARDO DICAPRIO. Yes, the actor for the most recent Romeo and Juliet remake. I don't know, it just popped up when I first heard of R&J. But NOW, when I hear the words or letters, "R&J" the first thing that comes to mind is... The examination acting thing we had to do. When? Where? Stuff like that. But know that it's over, I can sit back and relax and think about Leonardo DiCaprio's acting once more(Ha ha! Joking. :D). Well, the actual performance turned out better than expected. Liang Wei got really angry, I thought he wouldn't be that upset, and we didn't mess up! :) After ALL the hard work and practice we put it, everything turned out, well, just GREAT. :) Now, I feel like I'm having R&J withdrawal, I miss it so much! :( Just to have it back again even with all the work we had to go through first, would be an amazing thing.Although everyone was freaking out before the performance, we had a great one in the end I feel. To recommend this to the Sec 1s, DEFINITELY. They should totally get the fun experience like we did. I think they'll be missing out if they didn't get to do this. It would be quite unfair if they didn't get to experience this whole, 'package' you could say, both the hard work, the pain and yet the fun in acting, seeing how others act and such! So, yes. I say the Sec 1s should go for it. It will give some of them a chance to probably show their talent for acting and from there, teachers will be able to choose those who are good in acting for say, school performances or even, competitions like, Odyssey of the Mind. Points that I feel my group should work on is, to go easy on people when they are unable to do certain things. When one group member yells at another to do or say his or her lines properly, even sometimes cutting into other people's lines, it sorts of disrupts the unity of the group, as one person may get upset with the other for pointing out his or her faults instead of the good things or upset as one's lines are being cut. That's it, I guess, for what I feel personally, what my group can work on. :)